A Mirror And A Light
There is a song inside of you that only you can sing. It breathes for you. It is you. It takes you on an enchanted way and teaches you many things. It is at first unfamiliar to you, and it will always be peculiarly unfamiliar to others. Therefore, do not waste time looking for identity outside of yourself. Your path is not what anyone would say, for those who would think they know yours are still finding their own. Give it time.
You are constantly bombarded with to-do lists and expectations. Be the one voice that stops demanding. Start praising and appreciating, you. Your light will shine. You are a dreamer and your outer world is created by what you choose of your inner world. Don’t get distracted by your own or others intellect and arguments. As long as you war you will wait for freedom. Let your fight look like the bravery of love/acceptance in the midst of your inner conflicts and those outside of you.
Don’t expect dividends/paychecks in the currency you’ve known. Expect riches that can never be spent and that always yield fruit in season. Where others may fall and wail, you will meet them and comfort them, and in doing so find your own comfort. In a world where we spend to acquire, you will do neither. You will be a space of discovery for others. A mirror and a light.