As I began to build my Winged Ways card deck, I paid attention to images that evoked strong impressions in me. They would be the cards that inspired a feeling around a theme, yet loose enough that I could share a unique meaning each reading. I say, “The cards get the conversation going…”

I built this deck for my own personal use in one-on-one readings. The deck that I use is the only deck printed.

I have always pointed my passions towards one goal, and that is helping others. I believe the highest aspiration of each of us is the process of discovering who we are and the natural outcome of us standing in our power and place in the world. It is the joy and adventure of following our heart. 

My intention for my readings is to connect with you wherever you are on your own path right now, and to provide space and language that often clarifies one’s circumstances with direction on what to consider/implement as you move forward.

The readings I offer are offered in love with the intention of your highest good. I am available to provide readings via Call. Please feel free to message me with any questions or to request a reading for yourself.


“Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

- Howard Thurman