Fear, Growth, and Alive'ness.
Our willingness and skill in adapting to change creates growth. We grow, and growth is not comfortable. We can work through what holds us back by letting go to realize what it means to be free…more alive.
One thing we can work through is the fear of feeling uncomfortable. This fear keeps us from the quality of life we really want. The quality of our experiences arrive through us. This means we get to decide and create this for ourselves. Ultimately, we will be the agent that brings the qualities we desire to life. We are what grows, and through this growth our life around us begins to feel more like what we have nurtured first in us. These qualities “touch” and impact the world.
People want to be free. That something within us (call it our nature) knows no bounds. Although we are having a personal experience, we are capable of experiences and a way of being that is not so defined. Definitions by their nature limit.
Limits help us go beyond.
I know this might appear contradictory, but what might first seem as contradictions could one day be realized as ingredients towards powers of transformation and growth that we have the privilege of wielding.
We learn by trial and error, or as some say “trial by fire”. I like this saying more. If we are wholeheartedly wanting to live a better life we don’t have a whole lot of time for focusing on feeling sorry for ourselves/stuck. Instead, we investigate what this fiery process is teaching us so we can take the next most empowered step. These lessons come from being so involved in what we need to be more present, understanding, and overall healthy.
We become good at asking questions. We realize that it all begins right here at home, with me. The intention in my approach is the best indicator for the quality of my experience and the results. I can control my approach. This gradual shift from an “outward” focus to a more present posture is powerful.
We move from trying (future thinking) to more being/living. The intrigue of knowing things as they are is a process where we shift from clinging to the freedom and alive’ness we talked about earlier.