Money Isn’t Everything

Don’t let that your passion isn’t fully monetized have you feeling any “less than”. Sometimes…Often…some things are better not being forced through the expectations/responsibilities that come with money. Of course, there is nothing wrong with being paid for our work. The goal with however our work goes is to not get ourselves feeling stuck because we believe our journey needs to look a certain way. I think this includes staying open to how we can be financially sustained while we are building. We make room for Mystery

It is good to know what we’re about. It’s good to know what values/ethics we operate from. It’s good to make room for Mystery.

We all know trying to fit in is no good, so we must accept that a genuine path is one uniquely walked. There is no need to weigh ourselves down with imposed societal beliefs/measurements. We can put a lot of pressure on ourselves with timelines. I wonder if we could benefit from surrending a bit of the timeline. We have goals, but we don’t need to be harsh on ourselves whenever the ego thinks something is “wrong” (whenever things don’t go as our little-self had hoped).

We are going to live (if we’re intentional) and we will surely die. Who on their death-bed is going to be glad they did everything they thought everyone else thought was important? Who is going to pat themselves on the back for how impressive they still feel about themself? I think it’s more likely we’ll regret the risks we didn’t take than the grades we imagined we earned for being a “good” boy or girl. Trying to earn a sense of self is evidence we have not fully realized it for ourselves. No matter how hard we try for the approval of others (ie. Family, Partners, “God”, Friends, Work Peers), it will never give us what we really seek.

Money is only one kind of value/currency. Its’ value changes and our needs for it fluctuate with the times. However, some kinds of work are so important to society (and most importantly, the individual) that the work must be performed regardless of what money may be involved. If the soul knows what it is about and what it is here for, it will do its’ work no matter how anyone else may judge it. The soul is naturally creative, thus our work will teach us how to be even more creative. This is what we must press into. Our job is to continue to hone ourselves into instruments for the work to flow through. Also, we must sometimes do things we would rather not to get where we’re going. We must stay open to the possibility that even what we might think of as detours are opportunities to grow deeper in our work.

It is good to remember in all times of our lives to come back to what we love. It is the center of the compass.

There is a Home within you. If we’ve found it we can come back to it. When periods and aspects of our lives demand more energy/attention/resources, there is always what is true of you…this Home. It is like the wind in the trees. It is like the clouds moving in the sky. It is like the water in the river. You are always welcome. You can always come back home.

There may be simple things you love. Those simple things might be most (if not all) of what you love. They remind you of home. They feel like home. You can be with them, create them, hold them, and enjoy them. They are why we do all of the other things…so we can enjoy more of these things. I think it is important to remember what we’re really about because it helps us through the more challenging times of life. We remember that more striving and effort are not the answer (even if more energy is required from us at times). We can begin to shift our focus back to what we love, and this is how we shift our experience.

Being an adult is a balancing act. When we feel a bit constricted and unable to understand how our circumstances could be benefiting us, we can remember we are but a tiny piece of this world. Then, we can come back Home to things that help us remember who we are. We can come back to the practices that remind our body we are enough and safe. Learning how to move through life with less grasping and repulsion is a skill that can be cultivated. We can keep learning how to sit in the boat as the weather does its thing.

Everything feels more difficult when we’re exhausted. When it feels like we can’t literally be in that nurturing balance/environment just yet we can do those simple (yet often powerful) things that help us feel at home within ourselves. We can practice “seeing” it right now. We can practice “feeling” it right now. Then, we might even notice we are now embodying it. We can all of sudden experience a flash of insight that we just cultivated a whole new sense of being in ourself without any directed outward thoughts. We shifted our being to a more healthy and natural (free-flowing) state through our intention, through our recognition and acceptance, and through the inclusion of all parts of ourself.